MLO 14
Formation & Tactics

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Defending Through passes: low defensive line & front line presure will reduce the space for strcikers to make clean runs through (man marking recomended)

Defending through pass Tactic

Stoping lofted through balls Tactic 1:
Low defensive Line & up to 8 defensive players is a lockdown!
if you know how to defend?
use your CMF or DMF to pressure the ball carrier leaving the rest of your players in their position,
try not to control any of your defenders untill you have intercepted the ball, then pass it to your CMF & launch a long pass to your CF or WF if CF was marked.
(man marking recomended)

Stoping lofted through balls
Tactic 2:
This is simliar to the one above
we made changes as you may face skilled dribblers rather than predactable lofted ball spammer!
so we changed our WF to an SS
and our Fullbacks into L&R mids to have better control in the mid
use this one rather than tactic 1

Countering Pressure Tactic: Under constant pressure? try this formation.
when you`re facing high pressure its hard to dribble, best option is to play a passing game to players who are unmarked, if there`s no forward passing option try back passing. Since the opponent is pressring you & running towars you whenever you have the ball, you wanna spread the play out as wide as possible that will makes it harder for oppoenet players to get the ball.
Drain them & set the 'Support Range' to high & 'Defensive Compactness' to Low.
Constant Pressure: Loosing? swicth to this tactic for 2nd half as it has high pressure style of play you don`t want your players to drain from 1st half.
with high 'Front Line Pressure' & 'Defensive Line' you`ll apply constant pressure on your opponent with less space for them to run or pass which allows you to regain possession of the ball with a leathal counter finish, be aware of lofted through balls (man marking is recomended)

Pressure The Time Waster Tactic: often you face players who tries to run down the clock by passing in his own half.
Set your 'Player Support', 'Front Line Pressure' & 'Defensive Line' To 20, Your team wil push forward up the field to pressure the opponent.
Mind you this is a risk you are taking as you`ll get Countered a man marking should help & its worth the risk as a last resort.

Hold & Keep the Ball: Winning By 2 Goals? use this formation, must have an anchor man & Destroyer as a DMF & man mark his CF with either of them, Intercept & Counter on the flanks with your combination play:
Hold up the ball: player 1 on the ball CF (Decoy) comes back for a pass while player 3 (Target) makes a run into the box.
Hold up & swicth: Player 1 on the ball CF comes in for a pass while player 3 making a run on the flank
Drop deep & overlap: same senario depending on which players will be activated.

Defensive based: Facing a stronger team? use this formation with high 'Support Range' & 'Defensive Compactness'.
once you get the ball unleash a quick counter by passing the ball to the CMF or the 2 WF`s.

This is an a Balanced Formation with a defensive Tactic / Sliders.
make it offensive formation wise by simply changing player roles SS to WF, CMF to AMF & DMF to CMF.
Formation & Tactic Changes can be done by changing player roles not just formation and sliders.
or as an alternate you can change tactics from all out defence to possession game but make sure to set all sliders below 13 only leave player support at 17.
As i mentioned at the start,
formation & tactics are more effective when you choose the right default formation to custom it, for exmaple that formation above was a default <3-1-4-2>

Fearless: Opponent is closed down with solid defending?
Use this formation below if you have a Good passer in the mid preferably An instigator with Weighted pass or long ball expert card use him to send through passes low and lofted to your forwards, If you can`t beat them join them!
or play smart set your 'Support Range' to 14, do not attack directly try passing back let him come at you, if he`s winning most likly he`ll start time wasting no problem, we have a plan B do not play long balls try 1-2 passing, pass`n move, 3rd man 1-2, combination play this will break his defence no matter how many defenders he has!
also pass it to your CF and don`t go forwards hold the ball turn back his defence will come out then a 1-2 with your flank or mid will do the job.

Now.. out of all these formation and tactics choose your best 3 and switch to any of them during gameplay when needed,
If you have any questions please visit those links below & ask away.