MLO 14
Tactics Tutorial & Gameplay Tips
Tactics Tutorial
Some tips you should know before you Jump into Formation & Tactics Section.
You should always have 3 preset tactics ready
1. Balanced: start with it.
2. Defensive: swicth to it 2nd half after min 60+ when winning by 2 goals.
3. Offensive: swicth to it 2nd half if loosing by 2 goals after min 6+.
There are many ways of changing strategy`s you can adjust either of these below:
1. Formation
choose which ever suits you from formations section
2. Tactics/ Sliders
adjust the value of the sliders according to the formation & your players/team`s ability.
Add you own knowledge & adjust sliders or change formation but keep the sliders or change player roles and keep both formation and sliders.
more explanation is further on this page.
3. Player Roles
Offensive: change your
These changes are ideal for your preset tactic 3
Defensive: change your
wingers to RMF and LMF
CF to SS.
These changes are ideal for your preset tactic 2
Remember not to get lost in formation and tactics cause they only cover %40, %60 is how good are you:Defending, Attacking
and Mix of passing Techniques 1-2, 3rd man 1-2 pass`n move. dynamic 1-2, High pass & cross, early cross, high cross, low cross and finishing.
If you dont wanna bother with formation and tactics too much then you can simply be offensive and Defensive by the way you play without depending on Formation, Tactic Sliders and player Roles too much , How?
Play Offensive:
Combination play: activate it & 2 players will make a run , add a trigger run for the 3rd player to attack.
Offensive passing: Pass`n move press R2+X together and let go , watch every player who makes a pass will make a run forwar to attack.
Defensive Line: Push it Up by Press and Holding D-pad towards your oppoenets goal
to win the ball in the mid and counter attack.
Play Defensive:
Defensive Line: Pull it back by Press and Holding D-pad towards your goal when you loose the ball.
Offensive passing: when you play defensive the oppoenet most liky will go offensive and pressure you so play out wide Use pass`n move only with your Attackers, Use High pass R2+Circle to get the ball to oppoenet box as quick as possibe then 1-2 passes , clear every ball in the in box by pressing Square.
when choosing the formation that you want to custom make sure you choose the right formation thats suits the Tactic, Examples:
Example: if you want to pressure the opponet then make sure the formation that you select is the default <4-2-1-3>
then custom it to your liking & so on..
Most common style of play that you will be facing online are:
1. Through ball & lofted through ball.
2. Extreme pressure that you can barly make a pass.
3. Time wasting! where oppoenet plays the ball deep back to run down the clock.
Check out Formation & Tactics Section to
1. Defend & stop Through ball & lofted through ball.
2. Counter opponent`s Extreme pressure that you can barly make a pass.
3. Pressure Time wasting oppoenets, High Pressure tactics & More .
Rememebr formation & tactics are only %40 effective, %60 is how good are you defending, dribbling, passing & your tactical knowledge known what changes to make.
Tactic Sliders explained: values from 0-6 is low, 7-13 is medium/Balanced, 14-20 is High.
Slow Build up passing style: Low Shifiting To Attack.
Quick passing style: High shifting To Attack.
Getting Pressured? : High Support Range, Low Defensive Compactness & High Shifting To Attack.
Those were some simple exmaples.
Combination play: most players ignore this, but they don`t know how effective it is when making an effort to learn how it works & used, once you perfected this you`ll be unstopable & unpredactable.
Man marking: has a major effect when used with players that has man marking card, best method of man marking is to always man mark oppoenet CF with your DMF that has a man marking card could be an anchor man or Destroyer, never man mark with your CB incase oppoenet swicthes tactics or moves his CF to the wing as WF.
there`s also and advanced method where you man mark all oppoenets players but must have 2nd tactic unmarked incase oppoenet swicthes tactics during the game
Remmeber after the lastest patch the game has changed
the key to success is to master passing techniques and dribbling don`t waste balls with lobs keep it on the ground,
no matter what formation you play keep your Defensive compactness high and your support range medium to high if you are playing slow build up passing set your shifting to attack low or you wanna play quick counter passing set it to high, more info on formation and tactics is in the other section "Formation and Tactics"
not many of you may have a strong team but buliding an overall balaned team with specific playing style card players will do the job tactically.
Gameplay Tips
How to play after the latest Patch
Support Settings:
Cursor channge: Semi assisted (so that you can select your last player to defend long balls)
Pass Support: 2 (Tested the best one) after the new patch)
Through ball Type: Basic
Shot Type: Basic (Learn R2 shots more effective with players who has long range drive card)
Free Kick Controls: Normal
Directional Guide: On so that you can see the direction when you need to to a manuel pass, shot cross or through ball By Holding LT.
Team mate control: Assisted (this is for "Off the ball control" when you trigger a player to make a run forward )
Rest is off.
The gameplay has changed after the new patch on march 2014 no more glicth lobs, lob through balls and pace spamming
day 1 of the new patch i almots lost every game i played so as many online gamers .. time for a change:
Take a day offline practising:
Attacking :
Passing techniques: dynamic one two , 3rd man one two & pass`n move the key to break oppoenets defence do not waste the ball with blind long balls.
Dribbling: slow down, deft touch then body shift with Rstick while choosing the direction followed by a speed burst see ya later defender.
or you wanna take on players simply a Rstick+ Lstick (Or D-pad) Combo will do the job).
Long ball: keep the ball on the ground, Clean through long balls along the ground from the flanks are lethal specially if you curve it in for the stricker, or one two finished by a mini through ball near the box.
Crossing: Trigger run a strciker and send an early cross (R2+Circle) just outside your own half on the flank, and enjoy his acrobatic finish.
Corner Kicks: Pass it to your L or R back then hit a 1st touch early cross or high cross (L1+Cricle)
Long through ball: this has changed after the patch do not waste the ball with lobs, you either long ball along the ground outside your half or wait for a clean chance, still love your long balls from the top?
try hitting an early cross (LB+B) or high ball (RT+B) form your CB to your CF
Finishing: do not rush it, R2 shots are very effective specially with players that has a "Long Range Drive " card, or simply fake your 1st move when near the GK by a full stop and turn, fake shot, a simply foot work etc and finish with your 2nd move, with and R2 shot, pwoer shot to a side or mini lob.
How To defend: instead of Holding L1 then flicking Rstick try Holding Rstick towrad the player you want to control then hit L1
this is also good for goal kicks and corner kick to control a player that you wanna pass, cross to
when oppoent is in your half use The usual technique of presuring the oppoenets passer with AI while controling the player near oppoent`s triggerd runner, try not to use your defener to go at the oppoenet always use your AMF, CMF or DMF or even track back with your strickers. aganist skiled dribblers use jockey buy holding RT once oppoenet starts pacing up simply hold A add holing X to it and another teammate wil join you to pressure, make sure you don`t use double player pressure alot, only use it when its neccesary.
Pull & push your defensive line: this can be done by hold and pressing D-pad left or right, if you are using D-pad to move then its gonna be Lstick for you.
to pull defence line back press and hold D-pad towards your goal to push up press and hold towards your oppoenet goal.
pull it back when you loose the ball in opponents half and push it up when if you are loosing and want more pressure on the oppoenet to win the ball in the mid and counter,
also pushing your defence line is a good technique in some situation for more info simply subscribe to my channel
to see how i play and giving video & audio tips in future video on april.
Interception and ball winning: when you dont have the ball keep switching the cursor do not move a player to go at the opponent let the curosr swicth do the job by selecting the player near the opponent on the ball then intercept, this method is when playing againt smart skiled players and passers, if you are playing againt a pace and long ball spammer use method 1st method at the top.
A Video Tutorial of gameplay tips coming soon to subscribe now to not miss out!