MLO 14
Players & Team Tips
Now Called myClub
Signning Players (Adavanced Search)
Players with special abilities

When Signning Players in advanced search is not all about Speed & Explosive Power!
There`s no point of Signning pacy players that lacks finishing, Passing, and dribbling or a pacy defender that lacks of defensive attributes
buying some Vertsile players is very essential so that you can have the advantigue of switching to any of your 3 pre set tactics during the game.
Team`s Overall Attributes
Team`s Strength Level
To Build up an Overall strong Team From Level 1-4 you need Players with Specific Attributes & style to add up your Team`s Overall Attributes,
As you see in this photo this is a team`s overall attributes if you want make defence higher you need you highets rated player to be defenders and defensve attributes , high Shooting need players with high finishing and so on for the rest.
Calculated by the cost of the 11 most expensive players in the "My Team" Line up taking player`s overall into count.
As you see in 2nd Photo Signning PITBULL will increae my team level 1 to 2
but i want to keep it at level 1,
to do this you must find a players who costs less than your most expensive player in your team and less rated than your highest rated players
example: if i have 2 players who are rated 78 and cost 500 points then i must buy a player who`s rated 77 and cost 400-490 to not increase the team level.
to increase your team level just do opposite what i mentined above.

Playing Style
Player Abilities

How To Play In All MLO Competitions
Earn more points Quickly

Team Level Based Comps
League Based Comps
So now you have your teams:
Association League Level 1
Liga Catenaccio Level 2
Continetal league Level 3
Galactico League Level 4
Just swicth to any of them according to the Comp is available to play,
you can now Play in all MLO Competitions League based & team level based,
Use your Association League Team to play in Junior Cup and Association League Cup
Swicth to your Liga Catenaccio Team to play in Reservers Cup and Liga Catenaccio Cup
Swicth to your Continetal league Team to play in Semi Pro Cup and Continetal League Cup
Swicth to your Galactico League Team to play in Pro Cup and Open Cup
MLO Hidden Gem Players
Cheap players with great abilities
These lists of players are filtered for max of 80 overall and a mix of Techiqual and pace based players for all postions.
for more cheap gems you can simply check the formation and tactics section for Teams Level 1-4 No Galactioc super stars.
More players soon..
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